SmilePath Review: Proudly Being the Most Affordable Clear Aligners Brand

smilepath reviews

About SmilePath

You must have heard about the intriguing benefits offered by clear aligners. These are made of medical-grade, BPA-free plastic which makes them almost invisible to the eyes of people around you.

Moreover, their removable nature has captured the interest of many customers. Nowadays a lot of brands offer at-home clear aligners. You would not have to leave the comfort of your home as your impressions will be taken right there and later, you will receive the kit while you remain on the premises of your home.

SmilePath is one of these brands, which offers at-home clear aligners in Australia, at the most affordable price, with the impression and aligner kit being delivered to your home. Their aligners are meant to provide you with comfort in every sense. These aligners can be worn by you without them being noticed by the people around you.

Your treatment will be managed by SmilePath’s team of experts who will professionally assist you with your concerns during your whole teeth straightening journey

How does SmilePath work?

Beginning your teeth straightening journey with SmilePath can be simple as you can directly order the impression kit from their website.

The impression kit will be delivered to your doorstep in 3 to 4 business days. The impression kit will have an impression guide which you can use effectively and after you are done, you can easily mail them back to their team.

After SmilePath experts receive your teeth impressions, a digital preview of your treatment plan known as SmileProjection will be created in the laboratory which will then be sent to you 2 weeks after you have mailed them the mould of your teeth.

Once the digital impression has been approved, the next step is the fabrication of your custom-made clear aligners. These clear aligners will then be mailed to you, saving you the effort of ever leaving the comfort of your home.

Your set of clear aligners will be sent to you after 3 weeks, you ordered them. So, you can open them right away and put them on, to begin your journey towards a bright new smile.

You will need to wear these aligners for 20-22 hours a day and in an average of 4-6 months, you will get quick and effective results as these aligners will constantly keep applying gentle pressure to align your teeth.

As your teeth will keep on moving, you will need to change your clear aligner trays every 10 days. Each tray will be straighter than the previous one and is made to keep you comfortable during your teeth straightening process.

Once your teeth have been properly aligned, you will need to wear retainers, to keep your teeth in the same position. Initially, two sets of retainers will be provided to you in your aligner kit. You might need to keep them in as often as the clear aligners.

Does SmilePath offer Night-only aligners?

Nighttime clear aligners are an effective service offered by at-home clear aligner brands. These aligners have less wear time as you only need to wear them at night for an average of 9 to 10 hours. 

SmilePath also offers night-only clear aligners which provide similar results as the regular clear aligners but are only needed to be worn at night, for 8 to 10 hours. This option has been designed by keeping convenience and effectiveness in mind. Your case will be examined by your orthodontist and they will decide if you are a suitable candidate for Night-only aligners.

The treatment will last for a maximum of 6-8 months. These clear aligners require less wear time and will not disturb your daily routine. Though similar to the process of All-day clear aligners, you will have to wear retainers after your treatment has ended, to make sure that your teeth stay aligned in the same position.

Are SmilePath clear aligners affordable?

Traditional metal braces have proved to be popular when it comes to teeth straightening but one thing which remains about braces and Invisalign is their high costs. Traditional metal braces cost around $6000-$9000 in Australia. Invisalign can also cost up to an average price of $9000 which is extremely expensive for a lot of people.

At-home clear aligners have provided the convenience of opting for affordable teeth straightening methods. Among these SmilePath not only has proven to be more affordable than the traditional orthodontics but also offers the lowest prices among other at-home clear aligner brands.
SmilePath offers affordable day-time aligners and their payment plans have just made it easy for you.

Their SmileAdvantage plan is their most affordable one-time payment plan which includes an impression kit, clear aligners and a set of retainers. You can get this plan for $1499.

Another beneficial payment plan offered by SmilePath is SmileFlex, which is an easy 18 months instalment plan and costs you $84 per month.

However, with SmileFlex Easy, you can go for a 6-month instalment payment plan and make a down payment of $295 and keep paying $234 per month.

SmilePath includes the two sets of retainers without any extra cost, in their aligner kit. They offer clear aligners at a lesser price than the other major at-home aligner brands in Australia which ranges from $2,149 to $2,825.

Wondersmile is another established clear aligner brand in Australia which offers a clear aligner treatment for $2690 which costs a lot more than what SmilePath offers.

SmilePath offers night-only clear aligners with comfort in every way.

In case you are suitable for Night only clear aligners and decide to opt for them, their one-time payment plan, NightAdvantage costs you $1599. With their easy 18-month instalment plan, NightFlex costs you $89 per month.

If you wish to go for NightFlex easy, you will have to pay $284 per month with a down payment of $299.

It doesn’t stop here as SmilePath promises to take care of your newly achieved smile even after your treatment has ended.

Retainers are recommended to be worn even after your treatment has ended as you would most likely want to keep your newly achieved smile in place.

SmilePath offers two sets of retainers in your aligner kit which need to be changed after every six months. This can cover you for the first year. However, for the future, SmilePath has again got you by introducing their Smile Protection plan.

Other companies do charge around $100 per set. However, SmilePath, with their Smile Protection plan charges you $749 (often $649 on sale) for twelve retainers ($62 each).

One of the other providers in Australia, Byte, also offers retainers after your treatment has ended. They cost $899 for their day plan and $999 for their night plan which is much more expensive than what SmilePath offers.

SmilePath also offers a free whitening kit with your clear aligners plan which is a great add-on to your treatment process. They also offer the teeth whitening kit for $59.99, if you directly want to buy it.

SmilePath can only treat mild to moderate cases of teeth misalignment but among other at-home clear aligner brands, SmilePath continues to hold the lowest pricing plans for their clear aligners in Australia.

What makes Smilepath an attractive option?

SmilePath offers various advantages which make them come off as more intriguing than the other brands offering at-home clear aligners.

  • SmilePath offers strong customer support service. Their experts will be there to guide you throughout your teeth straightening journey and effectively consult you on any issue you face.
  • Smilepath is the lowest-priced clear aligner brand in Australia. Their payment plans have made it easy for people to get clear aligners. Sometimes they also offer discounts and coupons on their website.
  • Many at-home clear aligner brands offer aligners which are effective but can only be worn during the daytime. However, SmilePath also offers night-only clear aligners, making your treatment effective as well as convenient.
  • Your aligners kit will include two sets of retainers and a free whitening kit.
  • The aligner trays are made to scallop along your gums which does not give you pain or cause any discomfort.

What limitations can you face with SmilePath?

Like every other at-home clear aligner brand, SmilePath has its pros and cons. There can be a few disadvantages that can be considered in case you have been termed as a suitable candidate for their aligners and are planning to go for it.

  • SmilePath might be suitable to treat only mild to moderate cases of teeth misalignment.
  • SmilePath’s shipment process can take up to 3 to 5 business weeks.
  • SmilePath offers only an at-home treatment option and does not have any physical location and they require you to make moulds of your teeth and mail those to them.

What are the customers saying?

A lot of the reviews left by the customers on their website are driven by those customers’ satisfaction.

The thing that catches the interest of most of the customers and pulls them in to embark on their teeth straightening journey with SmilePath is their affordable prices. The payment plans make it easy for everyone to afford SmilePath clear aligners.

TM rated SmilePath a five star and wrote, “I found Smile Path to be an affordable and quick way to straighten my teeth compared to braces.”

The most appreciated aspect of SmilePath’s service which has brought in most of the positive customer reviews on their website is their customer support department. It is known to be extremely helpful and friendly while resolving customers’ queries.

“Jordan was very patient with me with all the queries I had and has been able to clearly explain to me, which was then the decisive moment to choose SmilePath.”, writes Valery.

Customers were satisfied with the whole teeth straightening process. People have mostly commented on how quick the treatment ended and they got the best imaginable results.

Chloe complimented SmilePath’s service by summarizing her experience with them, “The process has been good so far. I feel like it has all happened within a reasonable time frame. The results have been great. Very content with how quick the process happens. The communication has been good.”

People have come to love and appreciate SmilePath because of its efficient and affordable service.

How effective is SmilePath?

Based on what the customers have to say about SmilePath, it can be termed as an effective way of treating teeth misalignment. It is extremely convenient when it comes to its customer support and is the most affordable direct-to-consumer clear aligner brand in Australia.

SmilePath keeps track of your progress by examining the photos you sent.

SmilePath does not offer you any frequent office visits with your dentist but it offers you the comfort of sending pictures every two weeks. It can be effective if you actively share your progress with SmilePath’s team. This will help them keep track of your progress and provide consultation on any issue you might be facing.

SmilePath clear aligners offer several advantages through their comfortable structures.
SmilePath has effectiveness in mind as they design their clear aligners in such a way that they scallop along your gum line which makes these clear aligners less visible and does not cause any discomfort. This technique guarantees effectiveness and rightly does the job of shifting your teeth.

This describes how SmilePath is trying not to compromise in terms of quality and effectiveness and is determined to serve its customers in the best possible way.

SmilePath vs other at-home aligner brands

You might have come across several positive aspects of SmilePath but other companies are offering at-home clear aligners in Australia which might offer several advantages but cannot compete with SmilePath at a low price.


Byte is among the high-ranking brands and promises you a guarantee to maintain a perfectly aligned smile for life. However, their plans are still pricier than what SmilePath offers.


Wondersmile is another at-home aligner brand which offers the convenience of getting examined by a dentist while your impressions are being taken. However, they are still almost $1000 more expensive than SmilePath.


SmileDirectClub is another at-home aligner brand in Australia. They offer clear aligners more expensive than SmilePath. Moreover, their aligners are cloudy in texture whereas SmilePath offers aligners which are made of clear plastic.

What will make you choose SmilePath?

What if you have made up your mind to finally get yourself a set of clear aligners, but it’s that time of the month when your bank account pleads with you not to put a strain on its health?

Here SmilePath can be your best choice. Their affordability makes them a good challenge for their competitors. The overall experience will be smooth and convenient as well, considering how helpful their customer support is.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it hurt to get clear aligners?

SmilePath clear aligners cause no pain because they are designed in such a way that they scallop along your gum line.

For how long do I need to wear my clear aligners?

Daytime clear aligners are needed to be worn for 20-22 hours a day but Night only clear aligners can be worn for 8 to 10 hours at night. 

What if I am not a suitable candidate for SmilePath clear aligners?

In case SmilePath’s team receives your dental impressions and does not find you a suitable candidate for their clear aligners, you will be entitled to a full refund.

Will I be left alone during my teeth straightening treatment?

You will be assigned a Smile Crew Member whom you can contact whenever you have a concern. This individual will get back to you as soon as they have a response from your dentist.

When will I get to have my impression and aligner kit?

Once you order the impression kit from the website, you will receive it in 3-4 business days and when you have taken your dental impressions and mailed them to the team, you will receive the clear aligner kit in 3 to 5 business weeks. 


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